Global Leader TAP® Tucker Assessment Profile (GLTAP)

The Global Leader TAP® Tucker Assessment Process is a leadership development and feedback process measuring nine key competencies essential for global leadership success. Our Global Leader TAP® Assessment is a key component of this process. It was created after many years of empirical field research, including a major study of over 1800 leaders from 13 nationalities.
Our nine competency model features reliable and valid scales that differentiate between successful and unsuccessful leaders in the global business environment. It is used by companies to assist in the development of their global leaders.
Companies often ask us to create customized group global leadership workshops where each participant completes the GLTAP. These results are then incorporated into individual Feedback Guides to review at their workshop. Also the overall group results are compiled and presented alongside our overall database. This provides valuable insight about strength areas and opportunities for development both as a group and for individuals.

TAP is a registered trademark of Michael F. Tucker, PhD., CMC.
©1999 and 2008 Michael F. Tucker, PhD., CMC. All rights reserved.
©1999 and 2008 Michael F. Tucker, PhD., CMC. All rights reserved.